From the President’s Crayon…

Hello PC Seniors!
Fall is officially here, get out and enjoy the changing of the leaves before the first snow falls.
Check out the wonderful list of events coming up in October, and join in for the fun! We are grateful that our events are getting participants, but we would love to see some new faces!
Since I am the presenter, I would like to especially invite you to a Final Friday Social Hour on October 28, from 4 to 6 PM. Peggy Fletcher and I have just returned from an amazing small ship sailing trip to Greece, and will share some of our best photos and stories…I swear we won’t bore you! Bring nummy snacks and a beverage of your choice…oh and don’t tell anyone but it’s also a BD celebration for yours truly and Mary Kohout…no presents, just your presence!
Finally, great NEWS: A special thank you goes out to the Park City Community Foundation, who has awarded the PC Seniors with a grant to get our web site up and running. STEP UP, members who would like to give us input on how to proceed with this…this is YOUR Senior Center, and if you have some knowledge or skills on how to proceed, we would value your input. If you would like to advise or help us build our website, click this link to contact us at [email protected], and thanks in advance!
Cheryl Soshnik. President

Welcome New Members!
Here’s who joined the family of PC Seniors in the last month or so:
Anne Papa
Ronni Coaches
Dave Alderman (renew)
Nancy Cabe
Cathy Silver
Rick Silver
Judy McCowan
Patty Littlejohn
Shirley Wright
Sharon Locatelli
Rebecca Page
Mike Becraft
Senior Center Housing
Woodside II Committee Update
by Francie McNally
The Board of Trustees of the Park City Senior Citizens, Inc. approved the draft MOU presented by the City at their Board meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022 with a few minor changes (address for senior center, formatting on items 3H 1) 2) and change the year on timeline to September 2022). Jason Glidden made the changes to the document and now it will go before the City Council for final review at their October 27 meeting. The week following, we should plan the signing and publicize the event with media, KPCW, Park Record interviews etc.
We will post an update regarding the City Council meeting when we have more information.

Park City needs your feedback! The Park Silly Sunday Market and Kimball Art Festival contracts are up for review in Park City. There are several ways to provide comments before the October 3 deadline.
Please take the following surveys (each survey should take 5 minutes of your time):
- Kimball Art Festival:
- Park Silly Market:
Public feedback and survey responses will be shared during a Council meeting this Fall.
Have you enjoyed this newsletter, the Golden Art Club, the free or low cost events at the Senior Center, our Senior Advocate Kelly, and the community awareness of the Seniors to our media and local government representatives? I hope so, and now is the time to help support these and more future programs, activities, and advocacy.
The Park City Seniors are participating in Live PC Give PC for the third year now, where Park City non-profits solicit your financial support. The Community Day of Giving will be held online beginning Midnight on Nov 4, but early donations are being accepted NOW as well.
You can donate now by clicking on the photo, or this link, which will take you to our page on the Live PC Give PC Website. We are also setting up a ‘donation station’ at the Senior Center, where we can help you make that computer donation. Afraid of computers? No worries, just bring in a check or cash donation to the Center any Monday or Thursday in October — we can take that too, and add it to the web site for you. Any and all donation amounts are appreciated!
We have grown a lot this past couple of years, and there is so much more coming up for the Park City Seniors, but we need this annual financial support to keep our momentum going!
KAC Art Event – Thur Sept 6 5:30 – 8:30 PM

Our PC Seniors Golden Art Club is a Featured Art Program!
Click on the photo, or this link to RSVP!
Evening Itinerary
5:30 p.m. Cocktail hour provided by High West Distillery and appetizers by Done to Your Taste Catering
6:30 p.m. Introduction by Executive Director, Aldy Milliken
6:45 – 8:00 p.m. Break-out sessions: Elementary Visual Arts, Golden Art Club, and Young Artists’ Academy
8:00 – 8:30 p.m. Closing social hour

Talk and Tech Tutoring
Beginning this month, Kate Mapp, Adult Services Librarian, will share with us the latest information and events from the Park City Library. Then, she’ll assist our members with technology questions and concerns in a group setting. Her talk will begin at 1:30pm, with technology running from 1:45-2:30pm. Both activities provided at the Park City Senior Center on the first Monday of each month, initially with October 3rd.
Park City Senior Member To Sign Latest Book
Local Park City resident and Senior Member, Bill Humbert, will be signing his latest book at Dolly’s Bookstore on October 14th, from 5-7 pm. Bill, often referred to as the RecruiterGuy, has recently written Expect Success!: The Science of the Over 50 Career Search. Touch on Bill’s book to learn more about him.
Pay Dues Electronically with Zelle
Our dues are for the calendar year, so even if you joined the PC Seniors in July, your $5 dues for 2022 are due again. We now have the option of paying Dues electronically if your financial institution uses Zelle for bank to bank transactions. This program is offered by Bank of America, Truist, Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, PNC, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo.
It’s easy to do: In Zelle, add a new recipient by entering our email address “[email protected]”. There is also a memo field when you transfer the funds, where you can type something like “2022 dues for John Smith” Enter $5 as the amount and click Send.
You can still come to the Senior Center on Mondays and Thursdays between 10AM and 2PM, or send it by USPS to: Park City Senior Center; PO Box 681617, Park City UT 84068
Upcoming Activities
Here’s what’s coming up this month. We often add additional events each month, and you can find out about them, or changes and cancellations, by following us on Facebook.
Join us for the annual Heber Valley Western Music and Cowboy Poetry, Oct 12-16. We have been offered a discounted price of $20-25 for daytime shows on Friday, Oct 14. Shows at 3pm include either the John Denver Tribute or Corb Lund concert. Please state which show you would like to attend when signing up. Tickets must be PREPAID to Kelly and RSVP by Thursday, Oct 6 at the Senior Center. Our shuttle will leave the Park City Senior Center at 2pm. Or, if you would like to drive down on your own, there are many other shows offered. Just click on the Cowboy Poetry image for more information.

Exploring the Night Sky
at Rock Cliff Nature Center
Wasatch Nature Association is sponsoring a nature program on Dark Skies and the creatures that inhabit the nighttime. Join us for a Saturday, October 15, 6:00-9:30pm talk including night time creatures, bats and owls, and a star gazing presentation that is informative and fascinating. Our shuttle will leave the Park City Senior Center at 5:15pm. Please dress warmly for outside: coats, gloves and hats. Portable folding chairs and small flashlights are also beneficial. Touch on the picture for more information. Sign up at the Park City Senior Center, or contact your Advocate, Kelly to reserve your seat! This event is free.

Senior’s Poker Night
Friday, October 21, 7-9 PM
Our members continue to have a good time playing poker at the Senior’s Poker Night. This month’s Senior Poker Night will be on Friday, October 21 from 7-9PM at the Senior Center, and will again be Dealer’s Choice, with a $20 buy-in; .10,.25 and .50 bets with a minimum of three raises. Women or couples members are encouraged to attend. The sign-up sheet will be available at the Senior Center or contact your Advocate, Kelly.

Monthly Tuesday Movie:
Practical Magic
October 25th @ 1:00pm
Our members continue to have a good time playing poker at the Senior’s Poker Night. This month’s Senior Poker Night will be on Friday, October 21 from 7-9PM at the Senior Center, and will again be Dealer’s Choice, with a $20 buy-in; .10,.25 and .50 bets with a minimum of three raises. Women or couples members are encouraged to attend. The sign-up sheet will be available at the Senior Center or contact your Advocate, Kelly.

Friday Forum Social
Oct 28 from 4-6 PM
Cheryl and Peggy’s Recent Trip to Greece
Social Hour will begin at 4PM — bring hors d’ouvres and your choice of beverage. We’ll share stories with photos on the big screen at 5PM. As a side note, tomorrow will be the ‘Birthday Twins’ celebration – Cheryl and MaryLou Kohout, so there might be a cake! If you are a Scorpio too, let us know, and come participate in the birthday celebration!
There will be a sign-up sheet at the Senior Center, so we know how many members will be attending. Or you can email us at [email protected] and we’ll add your name to the list.

Exercise Class Mondays at 10 AM
Drop in or use your punch card at the PC Senior Center each Monday to exercise with Susan LaMere. Presented by PC Municipal, the cost is $3 per session or $2.50 with the punch card.

Tai Chi Thursdays at 10 AM
Drop in or use your punch card at the PC Senior Center each Thursday for Tai Chi with Brad Lester. Presented by PC Municipal, the cost is $3 per session or $2.50 with the punch card.

Golden Art Club Wednesdays at 3:00 PM
October art classes with the Kimball Art Center staff will be in person at the Senior Center unless otherwise noted.
All levels of artists/members are welcome to join the weekly classes. There is no charge for these courses, as we help pay for the weekly classes from funds received during our Live PC Give PC fundraiser in November.
All supplies are provided as well, you just have to supply your imagination and spirit! If you are a member of the Senior Center and would like to join us on Wednesdays, sign up and get the location and/or Zoom link by sending an email to [email protected]

Guided Meditation Wednesday Evenings – 7:30PM
Mary Wintzer has begun Guided Meditation again this fall. On-line class is every Wednesday at 7:30pm. No class on October 5th. Join Mary in your favorite location for this popular and beneficial training. For more information and for the ZOOM link, contact Mary at [email protected].

Personal ZOOM Meetings
Personal Zoom meetings are available for you and your family/friends with our ZOOM account. Contact us at [email protected] with the date and time you would like to Zoom with family and friends and we’ll set that up for you.
For any of these programs, for suggestions or comments for future programs, contact us at [email protected].

Meet with Mayor Nann Worel – Dates for October
Do you want to bend our mayor’s ear with Senior issues important to you? Mayor Nann Worel invites Park City residents and business owners to join her for one-on-one conversations to share thoughts, community concerns, or just to catch up.
Schedule your visit today!
Contact [email protected] | 435-615-5184
Available Dates:
- October 4, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
- October 19, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Summit County Activity
Tuesday, October 4th
Join our Summit County Senior event this month with a visit to Gardner Village. WitchFest is an especially fun time to attend the Village as witches haunt the grounds daily, pumpkin goodies are offered at the different eateries and the weather is cooler. Your shuttle will arrive at Ecker Hill Park and Ride by 10:30am. Lunch will be on your own at Archibald’s Restaurant at Gardner’s Village, followed by shopping and spotting witches. Please bring money for food. RSVP was by September 29, but a few extra seats may still be available… contact your Summit County Director, Jessica Wilde, for more information.

Health Department Offers Booster Clinic
Summit County Health Department is offering a booster clinic at the Park City Senior Center, Monday October 10th, from 11am – 1pm.. The flu vaccine, as well as the Moderna and Pfizer boosters will be available. Sign up at the Senior Center to reserve a time or contact your Advocate, Kelly. Bring your insurance or Medicare number, and COVID card.

Sign up for the next class on Friday, October 28, 1-5PM, at the Coalville Senior Center. Sign up at the Park City Senior Center or contact your Advocate, Kelly.
Out of nowhere, you receive a call or a screen pops up on your computer, pretending to be from a reputable company like Microsoft or an anti-virus company. They tell you that they have detected a virus or an error on your computer, and probably warn that you will lose all of your data if you shut down or restart your computer. In order to fix your computer, they direct you to a website where they instruct you to click on a link, download software, or input a special code, which allows them access to your computer. Sometimes they “scan” your computer to try to convince you there is something wrong. Don’t believe them!
Don’t give them access to your computer! If you do, the scammer can look on your computer for your personal or financial information, add malware that really will infect your computer, or add spyware so they can get your information in the future.
Instead, try exiting the internet, restarting your computer, or manually pressing the “off” button on your computer. Or try contacting a reputable source for help. Be careful though when searching for businesses on the internet – sometimes illegitimate services have paid for ads and created websites that might lead you to think they are the real thing!
Remember: real tech support or other computer companies don’t just contact you out of the blue.