From the President’s Snow Shovel

OK snow, I love you, but please, give it a break! I think in the 42 years that I’ve lived in Park City, only once before has it snowed so hard and long. Please take care of yourselves this winter. We have had a number of Seniors injured skiing, as well as folks like myself who have body parts like overused shoulders that are going to be replaced this month and shouldn’t even be out there shoveling in the first place! Plus the respiratory viruses including Covid and RSV are very active this winter. Just be careful! Remember the mantra – Do NOT come into the Center if you are sick!
OK, back to the next pile of snow now….
Cheryl Soshnik. President

Welcome New Members!
Here’s who joined the family of PC Seniors in the last month or so:
Patty Smith
Elida Bessant
Vanda Sepic
Eve Abrams
Mark Self
Dave Ringelberg
Nancy Allen
2023 (Jan to Dec) Dues
If you still have not paid your dues for the year – we pay by calendar year, so yup, you need to fork out another 5 bucks! You can come into the Center, send it in by mail, or pay pay electronically if your financial institution uses Zelle for bank to bank transactions. Numbers speak! With the upcoming new Senior Center and other things that Seniors advocate for, we want to keep our membership count high. Please support PC Seniors with your $5 yearly dues.
It’s easy to do: In Zelle, add a new recipient by entering our email address “[email protected]”. There is also a memo field when you transfer the funds, where you can type something like “2023 dues for John Smith” Enter $5 as the amount and click Send.
The Senior Center is open Mondays and Thursdays between 10AM and 2PM, and our USPS address is : Park City Senior Citizens, Inc. ; PO Box 681617, Park City UT 84068

For the third yearn now, the Park City Seniors will be raising funds for KPCW during the Winter Pledge Drive. The date and time is Thursday, March 9th, from 3 to 4 PM. Any amount you can donate to our radio station will be appreciated. Are you a Broadcasters Club Member? Renew during the Senior Hour! While the radio station gets the money, we Seniors benefit by getting promotional air time for the next six months.
You don’t have to wait until the Seniors Hour to donate, however. You can click the picture and be taken to the KPCW site, where you can donate now, and just make sure to indicate your donation is for the ‘Senior Hour’. You can also request a ‘thank you’ to be read on the air, and choose from a variety of thank you certificates and swag.
Park City Seniors help put the FUN in fundraising for our local radio station!
Senior Center Housing
Committee Update – February Newsletter
by Francie McNally
Woodside II Committee Update
February was a busy month for the Woodside II Working Senior Center Committee. We have been involved, along with our Board, on successful and informative meetings with:
- MAG-Mountainland’s Association of Government Area Agency on Aging Management Team. We had a very exciting and informative meeting regarding so many MAG resources that we can use to enhance our opportunities that are available right now. Also, the significant role they play in our on-going growth discussions with Summit County.
- Tonja Hanson-new County Council member and our Senior Liaison with the County Council.
- Janna Young, Summit County Deputy Manager, updated us on how to present our needs to the Summit County Council and meetings that we may want to attend.
- Tana Toley as newly appointed City Liaison to MAG and our Senior Liaison to the City.
- Craig VanTassel-President of South Summit Senior Center in Kamas.
- Gale Pace-President of North Summit Senior Center in Coalville. We met to inform them about all our recent activity regarding a new senior center and program enhancements. Also, to become aware of our similarities and differences and become a more unified voice to the Summit County Council.
- Plus, our on-going meetings with Jason Gliden and Tana Toley of the City regarding the new senior center.
The results of these meetings continue to provide us with ideas on the many programs, grants and services that are available to seniors and our Board.
Also, we have been busy collecting data from other similar senior centers from around the country. We presented this data to Jason and Tana at our meeting on February 7th. After a lot of discussion, it was agreed that Jason will hire an architect to begin preliminary drawings. This study is purely a massing study, so the firm will be using “blocks” to see how different size boxes fit onto the site in order to determine how much square footage will work. It is the first step towards understanding how our needs can be met.
We are continuing the momentum to accomplish our goals for our Senior Citizens.

All hands on deck!! Cheryl Soshnik, president of the Park City Senior Association recently asked members to step up and volunteer for many of the diverse jobs our Center requires. With increased numbers of members attending lunch to the many activities springing up at the Center and beyond, need for assistance is imperative to run the Association. Many jobs have been noted, so there is quite a selection, from setting the luncheon tables to greeting our guests, or driving the shuttle bus to an event. We encourage you to step up and support our community in some capacity for a short duration. Stop by the Senior Center or give us a call at 435-649-7261.

Talk and Tech Tutoring
Monday, March 6, 1:30 – 2:15pm
If you haven’t met Kate Mapp, our Adult Services Librarian, you’re in for a treat. She continues to share with us the latest information and events from the Park City Library. Afterwards, she assists our members with technology questions and concerns in a group setting at the Senior Center. Her talk begins at 1:30pm, with technology assistance running until 2:15pm. Both activities provided at the Park City Senior Center on the first Monday of each month.

MTM Mondays
March 6 and 27, 1:30 – 2:15PM
Mountain Town Music continues to bring us talented live music. We recently enjoyed local singer/pianist, Teresa Eggertsen Cooke, who provided a wide variety of music as she performed her music and requests. Now we look forward to a lively, upcoming musical act on Monday, March 6th. Fiddle About, an awesome duo, ( from the local band Swagger) will help us celebrate our Celtic heritage. And BD Howes will perform on Monday, March 27. So grab your friends and family, all ages welcomed, for some great music. Get your Green on and join us!!

Monthly Upcoming Activities
The Following Events show what’s coming up this month. We often add additional events each month, and you can find out about them, or changes and cancellations, by following us on Facebook.

Senior Shuttle Bus to Lunch
Monday, March 6 and
Thursday, March 16
We are still offering bus service for Seniors in Western Summit County who lack good winter transportation options to attend lunch and activities for Monday, March 6 and Thursday, March 16. Please give us a call at 435-649-7261 to schedule a pick up for you, a friend or if you have any questions.

” Stories in the Snow “
Winter Animal Tracking………Rescheduled
Friday, March 10th
We’ve been asked to reschedule this activity, so here is another date! We will leave the Senior Center at 10:00am, 10:15am at Quinn’s Dog Park parking lot. Or, if you choose, meet us at the Wasatch Mountain State Park’s Visitor Center at 10:45am. Dress accordingly for outside weather, bring your own snowshoes ($6 for rental at State Park) and a sack lunch or snack. Cost for this activity is free with a Utah State Park’s pass that includes 8 guests. Sign up at the Senior Center or contact your Senior Advocate, Kelly.

Local Bowling and Lunch
Tuesday, March 14 – 11:00am – 3:00pm
Join us for a fun time at the nearby Holiday Lanes Bowling Alley in Heber City. We’ll leave the Senior Center at 11:00am; also stopping at Quinn’s Junction Dog parking lot. Bring money for lunch and bowling ($5-game/$2-shoe rental). Their lunch menu includes delicious burgers, sandwiches and soup. This activity has always been a favorite of our members and was recently requested! Sign up at the Senior Center or contact your Senior Advocate, Kelly.

Senior’s Poker Night
Friday, March 17th. ….. 7-9 PM
Join our members for continued fun poker games on Friday, March 17 from 7-9PM at the Senior Center. Selected games, including Texas Hold ‘Em and Five Card Draw will be some of the Dealer’s Choices, with a $20 buy-in; .10, .25 and .50bets and a minimum of three raises requested. Women and couples are encouraged to attend. The sign-up sheet will be available at the Senior Center or contact your Advocate, Kelly.

Maynard Dixon Exhibition Rescheduled
Tuesday, March 21st
Let’s try this again! We’ve rescheduled our visit to the Maynard Dixon exhibition at the BYU Art Museum. All members who were signed up for a shuttle seat in February will receive first choice. Our shuttle will leave from the Senior Center at 9:45am, Quinn’s Junction Dog Park parking at 10:00am, or meet us at the location. Lunch or a snack from the MOA cafe is available for a modest price. Return to Park City by 2:30pm. Our sign-up sheet will be available at the Senior Center, or contact your Advocate, Kelly. This activity is FREE but bring money for lunch and purchases at the MOA Cafe and Store.

Safety Class Offered
Friday, March 24, 10am – 3pm
The cost is $20/AARP member; $25/AARP non-member for this four-hour course providing a review in driving skills. A one-hour break for lunch will be provided; bring your own food or eat out. Upon completion, you may qualify for an auto insurance discount. Sign up at the Senior Center or call Kelly if you would like to take this class.

Monthly Tuesday Movie:
The Secret of Roan Inish
Tuesday, March 28th at 1:00pm
Join us for this beautiful film, The Secret of Roan Inish. The show begins at 1:00pm and snacks will be provided for your enjoyment. For more information on this movie, tap here.

Self-Defense for Seniors
Wednesdays, March 1 and 8 at 2 PM
You have two more dates to try this new class with MARC instructor, Nikki Ikeda, teaching you how “boxing engages the entire body, focusing on muscle movement and memory.”
Presented by PC Municipal, the cost is $3 per session or $2.50 with a punch card. Come out and give this class a try before it is gone!

Exercise Class Mondays at 10 AM
Drop in or use your punch card at the PC Senior Center each Monday to exercise with Susan LaMere. Presented by PC Municipal, the cost is $3 per session or $2.50 with the punch card.

Tai Chi Thursdays at 10 AM
Drop in or use your punch card at the PC Senior Center each Thursday for Tai Chi with Brad Lester. Presented by PC Municipal, the cost is $3 per session or $2.50 with the punch card.

New Day &Time! Golden Art Club
Thursdays 2 – 4 PM
Join us for lunch at the Senior Center and then stay for the weekly art class. Instruction presented by the Kimball Art Center staff in person at the Senior Center unless otherwise noted.
Here is the schedule for March:
February 9 – March 30: A picture of Home – a step by step class on drawing in perspective 8 weeks. If you are interested in this class, there is a special sign-up form at the Senior Center.
All levels of artists/members are welcome to join the weekly classes. There is no charge for these courses, as we help pay for the weekly classes from funds received during our Live PC Give PC fundraiser in November.
All supplies are provided as well, you just have to supply your imagination and spirit! If you are a member of the Senior Center and would like to join us on Thursdays, sign up and get the location and/or Zoom link by sending an email to [email protected]

Ongoing: Guided Meditation
Wednesday Evenings – 7:30 – 7:50 PM

Mary Wintzer continues her Guided Meditation this winter. On-line class is every Wednesday at 7:30pm. Join Mary in your favorite location via ZOOM for this soothing and beneficial training. For more information for ZOOM link, contact Mary at [email protected].

Personal ZOOM Meetings
Personal Zoom meetings are available for you and your family/friends with our ZOOM account. Contact us at [email protected] with the date and time you would like to Zoom with family and friends and we’ll set that up for you.
For any of these programs, for suggestions or comments for future programs, contact us at [email protected].

Meet with Mayor Nann Worel – Date for March, 2023
Mayor Nann continues to offer you a chance to bend her ear with Senior issues important to you. She invites Park City residents and business owners to join her for one-on-one conversations to share thoughts, community concerns, or just to catch up.
Schedule your visit today!
Contact [email protected] | 435-615-5184
Available Dates:
- Wednesday, March 15th, 10:00am – 1:00pm

March Senior County Activity
Tuesday, March 7th
We will be picking up at North Summit Senior Center by 10:00 AM then driving to South Summit Seniors center picking them up at 10:30 AM after which driving to Ecker Hill Park and Ride picking up Park City Seniors, arriving by 11:00 AM. We will drive to the Daughters of Utah Pioneer Museum in Salt Lake. The museum is free of charge. Please bring money for lunch after the Museum at Hires Big H. RSVP by March 2nd. Sign up at the Senior Center or contact your Senior Director, Jessica.

Still Looking For Help…
Summit County is still looking for a new assistant cook to join their team. Receive a sign-on bonus of $1000 with a competitive pay. Position is Mondays and Thursdays, 16 hours per week with the option for up to 24 hours, if desired. You must be able to work in both Kamas and Park City. Please contact Jessica at 435-336-3014 or email [email protected]. if you, or someone you know is interested.

Don’t answer another online quiz question until you read this…
By Terri Miller
Consumer Education Specialist
January 11, 2023
What do the model of your first car, your favorite hobby, and the high school you attended have in common? If you said they’re questions commonly used for online account security and online quizzes, you’re correct! Before you take a quiz to find out which Marvel character you are, ask yourself: Do I know who’s gathering this information about me — or what they plan to do with it?
Personality tests, quick surveys, and other types of online quizzes ask seemingly harmless questions, but the more information you share, the more you risk it being misused. Scammers could do a lot of damage with just a few answers that give away your personal information. We’ve heard about scammers phishing for answers to security question data through quizzes. They use your quiz answers to try and reset your accounts, letting them steal your bank and other account information. Some scammers hack social media accounts and send malware links to friends of the hacked account holder under the guise of sharing a quiz.
One major way to protect your personal information — in addition to maintaining strong passwords and using multi-factor authentication — is to steer clear of online quizzes…or just don’t answer them truthfully. As for accounts that require actual security questions, treat them like additional passwords and use random answers, preferably long ones, for those too. Asked to enter your mother’s maiden name? Say it’s something else: Parmesan or another word you’ll remember. Or use a password manager to store a unique answer.